Academics » Junior High (5-8)

Junior High (5-8)

Building from the primary school foundation, Junior High classes prepare students for High School. Students switch classes between the three junior high teachers and in addition to the core subjects, they also participate in electives, a Christian Service Project and have leadership opportunities throughout the school year.

Star Assessments are short tests that provide teachers with learning data. Star tests are computer adaptive, which means they adjust to each answer your child provides. This helps teachers get the best data to help your child in the shortest amount of testing time. Your child may take a Star test for early literacy, math, or reading. 

     Teachers analyze the data they get from Star Assessments to learn what students already know and what they are ready to learn next, to monitor student growth, and to determine which students may need additional help. Star Assessments are heavily researched and scientifically proven to help teachers guide each student on his or her unique path to mastery.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call the office or speak with one of our faculty members!

(from A parent’s guide to Star Assessments)